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Network Development Plan 2021 – 2026 Click on a category to show it on the map Project information is provisionally only available in Spanish. We are working on the English version. The geographical location of all resources is approximate and in no way represents their exact location or extent.
Integration of renewable energy sources
Grid development is key to the integration of new renewable energy sources that will drive the ecological transition process in our country in the coming years. The Network Development Plan will allow renewable energy sources to account for 67% of the national electricity generation mix by 2026. Projects
Increased use of the Transmission Network
La Mancha-Madrid Corridor
Reinforcement Andalusia - Extremadura - Madrid Corridor
New Aragon-Levante Corridor
Connection at Abanilla
Reinforcement of the north-south axis of Gran Canaria
Reinforcement of the north-south axis in the east of Tenerife
Reinforcement of the southern axis Tenerife and new San Isidro
Aragon - Navarre Reinforcement
Aragon - Southern Catalonia Reinforcement
Aragon - Central Catalonia Reinforcement
Connection at Almendrales 400 kV
Topological modification of the Pyrenean network
New Isona 400/220 kV substation
Asturias 400 kV Reinforcement
Connection at Briviesca
Connection at Villalbilla
Connection at Urueña
Connection at Piedrahita
Connection at Abegondo 220 kV
Reinforcement of the Soria network
New Navarre - Basque Country axis
New corridors in Andalusia
Connection of renewables and storage
New connection of renewables and storage (MAPs 2024)
Connection to Just Transition Knots (MAPs 2024)
International interconnection
Interconnections and its internal reinforcements are essential for the integration of the Spanish mainland into the Internal Electricity Market, in line with European energy policy objectives, to enable greater integration of renewable energy sources and decarbonisation and to continue to strengthen the quality and security of supply of our system. Projects
Spain-France via the Bay of Biscay
Reinforcement of the Spain-France interconnection (Gatica)
Reinforcement of the Spain-France (Hernani-Argia)
Interconnection with Morocco
Interconnection with Andorra
Spanish-Portuguese Interconnection (Starting grid)
Northern Spain-Portugal
Investments beyond 2026
Spain-France interconnection between Navarre and Landes
Spain-France via the Aragon Pyrenees - Atlantic Pyrenees
Interconnections between electricity systems
The links between electricity systems will provide a fundamental boost for the energy transition of the islands and the city of Ceuta and will contribute to reinforcing the security and quality of the electricity supply in these territories. Projects
Reinforcement of interconnection between the Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands
Ibiza-Formentera 132 kV links
Tenerife-La Gomera links
Spanish Mainland-Ceuta links
Support for the distribution network
The implementation of this plan will increase support for the distribution network from the transmission network in order to further contribute to a secure, reliable and quality electricity supply in all regions and facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources connected to the distribution network. Projects
Castile-La Mancha
Castile and Leon
Valencian Community
Balearic Islands
Canary Islands
East Madrid. Henares corridor
Basque Country
La Rioja
Supply of railway lines
Conventional transport is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Powering these railway lines will boost the electrification of transport in the country, which will undoubtedly help to meet the commitments of the NECP 2030 and the objectives of decarbonisation of the economy and society. Projects
Bobadilla - Algeciras
Burgos - Vitoria
Granada - Almería
Madrid - Albacete - Alicante - Valencia
Murcia - Almería
Murcia - Cartagena
Palencia - Santander
Puertollano - Mérida
Sevilla - Huelva
Toledo - Navalmoral - Cáceres - Badajoz
Vigo - Orense - Lugo - A Coruña
Zaragoza - Teruel - Sagunto
Alicante - Crevillente
The plan includes a set of actions to supply large industrial consumers directly connected to the transmission network who need large volumes of energy to carry out their activity. Projects
Consumers connected to the transportation network
New consumers connected to the transportation network (MAPs 2024)
Connection to Just Transition Knots (MAPs 2024)
Security of supply
With regard to the transmission network, the plan contributes to guaranteeing the reliability, security and quality of supply of the electricity system by reinforcing or reconfiguring the existing network. Projects
Reliability of supply Madrid
Reliability of supply Madrid (Short Circuit Current)
Reinforcement of the southern network of the island of Ibiza
Dynamic Line Rating at Llucmajor-Orlandis 66 kV
Reinforcement of Tenerife West Ring
Reinforcement of La Palma network
Increased security of supply in non-peninsular systems
Refurbishment of Cinca 220 kV
Topological modification in Gramanet (Short Circucit Current)
New Substation Abades 400 kV (Formerly Herreros)
Supply reinforcement in Huelva (Costa de la Luz)
Supply Puerto de Santa María 220 kV
Reliability of supply in Saleres
Double bus in Don Rodrigo
Operational requirements
The development of the transmission network must respond to a set of additional needs that will facilitate the system’s operation, including the use of new technologies, or which derive from compliance with European regulations and the requirements established by the system’s operating procedures. Projects
Service replenishment plan: 24 hour autonomy requirement
Support to renewable integration with synchronous condensers
Tele-control systems and control centre
Transmission network support with FACTS
Reactances for voltage control in SEPE
Reactance for voltage control in the Balearic Islands
New operation needs (MAPs 2024)
Transmission Assets Renewal
The partial or total renewal of assets is focused on greater and better use of existing infrastructures. They will improve security of supply by increasing the reliability and performance of the transmission network elements and will mitigate possible environmental impact as a result of possible incidents in said components. Projects
The whole country
Starting grid
This is the set of transmission network elements that are expected to be in service with a very high probability in the 2021-26 horizon. In general, they come from the 2015-2020 Network Development Plan and have progressed rapidly because, for example, they are already under construction or have an Environmental Impact Statement and are expected to be commissioned before 2024. Projects
Aragon and Catalonia
Asturias, Cantabria, Castile and Leon
Balearic Islands
Canary Islands
Castile-La Mancha and Madrid
Navarre, Basque Country and La Rioja
Valencia and Murcia
Northern Spain-Portugal
Investment RDL, RES integration and resolution of technical constraints. Connection of renewables
Changes of ownership
Planificación eléctrica 2021 - 2026
Interconexión eléctrica por el Golfo de Bizkaia
El nuevo enlace eléctrico entre la subestación de Gatika (España) y la de Cubnezais (en la región francesa de Aquitania), de casi 400 km de longitud, será la primera interconexión submarina entre España y Francia y aumentará la capacidad de intercambio desde los 2.800 MW actuales hasta 5.000 MW.
Se compone de cuatro cables, dos por cada enlace. Este doble enlace submarino y subterráneo será en corriente continua, con una capacidad de transporte de 2x1.000 MW.
Fecha objetivo de puesta en servicio Horizonte 2026-2027 Coste de inversión prevista XXX M€ que corresponde a la inversión soportada por el sistema español, siendo el coste total del proyecto de XXXX M€.
Beneficios del proyecto Este nuevo enlace eléctrico permitirá reforzar la interconexión eléctrica entre España y Francia mejorando la seguridad y garantía de suministro, aumentando la eficiencia de ambos sistemas eléctricos y permitiendo una mayor integración de energías renovables. Esta interconexión, declarada Proyecto de Interés Común (PIC) en el 2013, representa un desafío importante para España, Francia y Europa en la consecución de sus objetivos hacia la transición energética europea.
Proyecto de dimensión europea La interconexión figura como el Proyecto Nº 16 del Ten Years Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2018 de ENTSOE.
Además está declarado Proyecto de Interés Común (PIC) 2.7 de la lista de 2019 de la Comisión Europea donde se identifican los proyectos clave para la transición energética europea. Como proyecto PIC ha recibido una subvención de XXX M€ por su contribución excepcional a los objetivos de política energética de la Comisión Europea.
Download the Network Development Plan 2021 – 2026 document Full document Executive summary